Good Shepherd’s vestry is the elected body of laypeople, operating under the guidance of the Rector and Senior Warden, who has responsibility for the mission and vision of Good Shepherd. There are twelve vestry members, four being elected each year to a three-year term. Those who serve on the vestry are charged with overseeing our financial, property, and missions operations. They all devote considerable time preparing for vestry meetings, leading associated committees, and serving in their already-established lay ministries.
*Our Parish’s Governing Body
Vestry Executive Committee
Fr. Michael Mills, Rector
Fr. Tom Hotchkiss, Vicar
Jason Hays, Senior Warden
Dewey Newton, Junior Warden
Debra Pyke, Treasurer
Tara Flume, Chancellor
Vestry Members
Camille Barton
Mitch Bramlett
Sam Hardy*
Becky Hopkins*
Cindy McCaleb*
Brian Morris
Dewey Newton*
James Payne
Matt Tillinghast
McCann Turner
Charles Tompkins
Virginia Wygal
Debra Pyke, Treasurer
Mary Noller, Clerk
*Denotes member in final year on Vestry
Vestry Nominations are submitted in January each year
Any member of Good Shepherd who is eligible to vote at the annual meeting may nominate another member to serve on the vestry. The parish votes at its annual meeting to elect four new members to serve for a three-year term.
To serve as a vestry member, a person must be (1) a member of our church, (2) at least eighteen years old, (3) confirmed by a bishop, (4) a giver of record in 2024, (5) have made a pledge for 2025.
In addition, here are five additional standards that Fr. Hobbs published in 2005, which we commend to you: (1) regular attendance at worship, (2) evident stewardship of time, talent, and treasure, (3) responsible and exemplary manner of life, (4) willingness to listen, learn, and lead, and (5) proven leadership in some area of the parish’s life and ministry.