Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body, the Church. We at Good Shepherd would be honored to share this holy sacrament with your family. In the Episcopal Church, we baptize infants, children, and adults. We also take seriously the need for careful preparation for the sacrament of Baptism, and we offer a variety of classes and other opportunities to learn about the Church and the life of faith. If you are interested in Holy Baptism, one of our clergy would love to speak with you further.
Our upcoming Baptismal dates are:
Sundays, during the 10:30 service:
April 27, 2025
June 8, 2025
September 14, 2025
November 2, 2025
Most of our baptisms occur at the 10:30 AM service, but we can also do baptisms at the 8 AM service, as needed.
If you are interested in Baptism, please fill out the form below, and someone from the Church Office will contact you. You are also welcome to call the Church Office (214-351-6468) and speak to any clergy member.