
Life is busy. Between work, raising a family, and whatever else you juggle day-to-day, we understand that it's important for you to find certain things at Good Shepherd. Our goal is to help you feel that you are growing in faith, realize that you have something to offer, and know that you are connected to a community of people who want the same things.

adults and mills in transept.jpeg

Sunday mornings at 9:15 AM

the forums


What’s It All About? | Sundays, May 5 - 19

From the oldest book of the Bible to the newest self-help offering, human beings have struggled to give a single coherent explanation of the meaning of life. Is the meaning really “no meaning”? Is suffering the thing that is most meaningful? How does that square with St. Paul’s view that love is the greatest of all virtues and the only thing that lasts? Following the sections of Peter Kreeft’s book, Three Philosophies of Life, this class will spend time with Ecclesiastes, Job, and Song of Songs and see what the Bible says that life is all about.


Our family forum is designed for parents and grandparents to come and hear about matters of faith that directly apply to their lives and form a community with others who are walking the same path.

Jonah: Beyond the Children's Bible Story | Sundays, May 5 - 19

Join us in the Family Forum as we explore the ever-popular Bible Story of Jonah and "the Whale."  We will look at some children's Bible portrayals of Jonah alongside the Biblical text and go beyond the children's story to see what it has to say to us today.

the adult choir


Music is a very important part of the way we worship at Good Shepherd. Our choir considers it their ministry to provide music on Sundays, and find joy not just in singing, but in helping others to draw near to God. Members practice on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 - 9 PM, as well as Sunday mornings before leading us in worship.

Adult Choir Director - Aaron Easley

midweek groups

In addition to our Sunday morning offerings for adults, we have several chances during the week for you to grow in faith, serve others, and find community.

Episcopal labor force (elf) - Men’s group

Mondays in the fall | 7 PM | Parish Hall

Meeting weekly throughout the fall months, the main activity of the ELF group is to make toys for St. Simon's after-school program, which serves disadvantaged kids throughout the DISD. A full, woodworking production line is set up to make the toys, and no prior experience is necessary. Men share a meal and watch Monday night football together.

Bible Study with Fr. Mills

Tuesdays | 7:30 AM | Library

Join us at Coffee and Scripture with Fr. Mills. Each week, the group will discuss the assigned scripture reading for the week. This one-hour class is open to all and meets in the church library.



Open to all women who are interested in digging deeper into the books of the Bible. This study includes outside reading and discussions of scripture.

WOMEN'S book study GROUP

THURSDAYS | 10:30 AM | library

This group of women meets throughout the year for small group studies lasting around 6 weeks each. You will find this group studying books by today's most thought-provoking Christian authors on topics ranging from the basics of spirituality to in-depth studies of particular books of the Bible. Participants range in age from young mothers to retired women.

Coffee and Conversation with Father Liles and Mother Stephanie

Fridays | 8:00 - 8:45 AM | Parish Hall

Gather for discussion, coffee, and connection with other parents. Using the "Way of Love: Practices for a Jesus-Centered Life” materials from the Episcopal Church, we will explore how we can grow more deeply with Christ at the center of our lives through Scripture and seven spiritual practices of the church. The Dad group will meet in the Parish Hall and the Mom group will meet in the Conference Room.

More information on the Way of Love can be found here.

find community

Dinner for Eight

Be a part of our new dinner ministry. Share a meal and get to know others at Good Shepherd. Learn more here.

silver & gold club

Meets every other month on Thursdays | 10 AM - 12:45 PM

The Silver & Gold Club is an enrichment opportunity for the "seasoned" members of Good Shepherd. If you were around when Good Shepherd was built (1956), remember watching the Ed Sullivan show, or drove a 57 Chevy then you’re invited! Their bi-monthly gathering includes a Eucharist service, a speaker/entertainment, and lunch. Need a ride? Let us know and we’ll coordinate for you.

serve our community & parish

As a church and as individual members, we volunteer our time and financially support efforts that make a difference in the lives of others. We love service projects in which everyone can contribute. We treasure our outreach partners and seek to expand those relationships to increase our impact.

learn more about serving our community

learn more about serving our parish